“Men Will Be Earning Their Stripes This Summer”

StripesI am not renowned for my sartorial splendor :-) LOL but I thought this article by Jessica Michault was interesting. It seems that one of the upcoming trends for men this season is “Pajama Stripes”. The best way to describe this is a wide “flopsy mopsy” style stripe. Of course if you look at these pictures it will all make sense. Personally, I am a big fan of stripes … they are the men’s equivalent of women’s high heels. “Huh ?” you are probably thinking with your nose are screwed up. Really, men’s stripes and women’s high heels are like and instant 5 to 10 pound diet (of course only if you need one :-) LOL) by creating a more streamlined look to your body. But I digress :-) … so for fashion and style info of all kinds, don’t be afraid to peruse Jessica’s website. And if you are looking for style accessories for any outfit or occasion, click here.

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